The View tab is located next to the Review tab and allows you to switch between Single Page and Two Page views. The Review tab has a total of six groups of related commands Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare and Protect. It also helps you proofread your content, add or remove comments, track new changes, etc. It is the sixth tab in the Ribbon and this tab offers you some important commands to modify your document. The Mailings tab now has five groups of related commands Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results and the Finish command.
It allows you merge emails, write and insert different fields, preview results and convert a file into the PDF format. It is the fifth tab in this ribbon and probably the least-often used tab of all the tabs available in this Ribbon. The References tab has six different groups of related commands that are Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citations & Bibliography, Captions, Index and Table of Authorities. It also offers commands for you to create a table of contents, an index, table of contents and table of authorities. It is the fourth tab in this Ribbon and allows you to enter document sources, citations, bibliography commands, etc. The Page Layout tab has five different groups of related commands that are Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph and Arrange.

you can easily change the page size, margins, line spacing, indentation, documentation orientation, etc. It is the third tab in this Ribbon and allows you to control the look and feel of your document, i.e. The Insert tab has seven different groups of related commands that are Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text and Symbols. It is most commonly used to add tables, pictures, clip art, shapes, page number, etc. Insert Tab is the second tab in the Ribbon and as the name suggests, it is used to insert or add extra features in your document. The home tab helps you change document settings like font size, adding bullets, adjusting styles and many other common features and allows you to return to the home section of the document. It has five subdivided groups of related commands Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing. All Rights Reserved.The Home tab is the default tab in the Microsoft Word.
Update Table - Updates the table of authorities to include all the citations in the document. Insert Table of Authorities - Inserts a table of authorities for cases, statutes and other authorities in the document. Adds the currently selected text so it will appear in the table of authority. Insert Index - Add an index listing key words and page numbers they appear on. Marks the currently selected text so it will appear in the index of the document. Cross references are inserted as hyperlinks. Update Table - Updates the table of figures to include all of the entries in the document.Ĭross-reference - Displays the "Cross-reference" dialog box allowing you to insert cross-referencing into your document, for example: turn to page 3 or please refer to page 12. Insert Table of Figures - Add a list of captioned objects and their page numbers. Insert Caption - Insert a caption below a picture or graphic to provide a short description.

The drop-down contains the commands: Insert Bibliography and Save Selection to Bibliography Gallery. Style - Choose the style of citation to use in the document.īibliography - Drop-Down. Manage Sources - Displays a list of all the sources cited in the active document. The drop-down contains the commands: Add New Source, Add New Placeholder and Search Libraries. Show Notes - Shows where footnotes and endnotes are located. The drop-down provides the commands Next Footnote, Previous Footnote, Next Endnote and Previous Endnote.

End notes are always placed at the end of a document. Inserts an endnote at the end of the document. Footnotes are automatically renumbered as you move text around the document. Inserts a footnote at the current position. You can quickly display the "Footnote and Endnote" dialog box by clicking on the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of this group. Update Table - Updates the table of contents so that all the entries refer to the correct page numbers. The drop-down contains the commands: Do Not Show in Table of Contents, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. The drop-down contains the commands: Built-in, Insert Table of Contents and Save Selection to Table of Contents Gallery.Īdd Text - Drop-Down. Provide an overview of your document by adding a table of contents. This tab gives you access to all the commands for creating references within your documents.